1 Duck, swans, tercel mostly flap about – everyone knows it (4,6) OPEN SECRET {0}{PENS}{TERCEl}*
6 God's surpressed by Schrodinger (4) ODIN [T]
9 Fish, some wines, then who's inclined to have a snooze? (3,7) RED SNAPPER {REDS}{NAPPER}
12 Bunch of keys? (11) ARCHIPELAGO [CD]
16 Mostly worry, back and forth; energy to go all over the place (7) SUFFUSE {FUSs<=FUSs}{E}
17 Song whereby fool captivated by childish things (3,2,2) LET IT GO {LE{TIT}GO}
19 Some silica gel essence makes you eternally young (7) AGELESS [T]
23 'Duffer's not half fouled up with ball!' (4) FORE {dufFER}*{0} Semi&lit
24 Whose make-up is dorsal mail? (10) ARMADILLOS* &lit
26 Cast spells, seen to leave you without anger (10) SPLEENLESS*
1 Bad-tempered person's so stuck up (4) OGRE<=
2 Blyton's vacuous designs (4) ENDS {ENiDS}
3 Batty aunt's idea: covering lake with cream (6,6) SUNTAN LOTION {AUNTS*}{N{L}OTION}
5 At heart, men's semis test rivals (7) ENEMIES {mENs}{sEMIs}{tESt}
7 Drink a quart and careen, half-cut: who'll worry? (5,5) DRAMA QUEEN {DRAM}{A}{QU}{carEEN}
8 Censor play, suffering drowsiness (10) NARCOLEPSY*
11 Generosity fed into love's invigorating (4-8) SELF-DEVOTION*
13 Second time Everyman will crop selfie, ghastly imagery (5,5) STILL LIFES {S}{T}{I'LL}{SELFIe}*
19 Rabelais composed line wanting source of flight (3,4) AIR BASE RABElIAS*
22 Employs some house-sitters (4) USES [T]
Reference List
Energy = E, The in French = LA, Lake = L, Quart = QU, Second = S, Time = T, King = K, Line = L
Special at 10:30 by The Zodiac