Saturday, 3 July 2021

No 13290, Saturday 03 Jul 2021, Arden


6 Old man crossing the line with nymph in the woods(5) DRYAD {D{RY}AD}
7 Number the entire book in the head without a drink(8) PAGINATE {P{A}{GIN}ATE}
10 Record of work on board, by say end of December(7) DOSSIER {DO}{SS}{IE}{decembeR}
11 Fashion finally becomes cross(7) ENRAGED {EN{RAGE}D} Finally=In the end
12 Food in the top layer, its off and extremely raw(7) CRUDEST {CRU{DiEt}ST}
13 Yahoo hasn’t left, that’s nice(7) PEASANT {PlEASANT}
14 Digital protection, rest falling out(6,5) FINGER STALL {REST+FALLING*}
19 Losing interest in undergarment for one is mad(7) BANANAS {BANiAN{A}S}? Anno not clear (Addendum - {BANiAN}{AS} - See comments)
21 Country in review, Spain ablaze(7) ALBANIA (T<=)
23 The bulk is loaded, without mass it cannot take off(7) OSTRICH {mOST}{RICH}

25 Support child with limited help(7) CHASSIS {CH}{ASSISt}
26 Ray is sick, is infected(8) BLIGHTED {B{LIGHT}ED} Sick = In bed
27 One clothed in extra material(5) MOIRE {MO{I}RE}


1 Extremely hard, yes, said to be hard to get the pigment(8) DYESTUFF {harD}{YES}{~TOUGH=TUFF}
2 Harry aimed to get first rank, you must appreciate it(6) ADMIRE {AIMED*} around {Rank}
3 Rents going up, its not so much weak(10) SPIRITLESS {RIPS<=}{IT}{LESS}
4 Time to admit, you’ll be called fit(4) AGUE {AG{~YOU=U}E}
5 Perhaps mistaking ink mark?(6) STIGMA {INK+STIGMA*} = {MISTAKING}
6 Remove ends — did he send you music list?(6) DEDUCT (Acrostic)
8 Total bliss! Within hidden message, reveal odds(7) NIRVANA {NI{ReVeAl}NA}
9 Supplement — fuss over date and time(3,2) ADD TO {AD{D} {T}O}
13 One way to locate address in most letters — located correctly(6,4) POSTAL CODE {POSt}{LOCATED*}
15 Last Sovereign, one who ruled the city(7) NANKING {sovereigN}{AN}{KING}
16 Settles on the rim — effect of ground movement(8) LANDSLIP {LANDS}{LIP}
17 Monk, Rabbi — both disrobed(5) ABBOT {rABBi}{bOTh}
18 Well, going around bends is a problem(6) HASSLE {HA{SS}LE}
20 Bother to pay back, head the other way(6) NETTLE {(-s+N)ETTLE}
22 Creator of music and creator of the universe are different, finally(6) BRAHMS {BRAHM(-a+S)}
24 African told to keep quiet, essentially(4) HUTU {sHUT Up}

Reference List

The line=Ry, On board=SS, Say=I.e, Left=L, Interest=I, Mass=M, Child=Ch, One=I
Date=D, Time=T, One=An, Bends=SS

Colour/Font Scheme

DefinitionSolutionComponent lettersEmbedded linksTheme word Reference list wordAnagram IndicatorC/C indicatorReversal IndicatorHidden word IndicatorLetter Pick indicatorDeletion IndicatorHomophone IndicatorMovement IndicatorPositional IndicatorSubstitution, IndicatorOpposite indicatorLink/Connector, Extraneous


  1. Replies
    1. If you have 'S then where did the A come from

    2. As I see it-
      Banian-I+AS (one is) gives (banians)* with mad as anagrind

  2. 19a I took as to mean 'for one'

  3. Hi, I'm Jayashree a novice. can someone explain the clue for 15d NANKING please. One who ruled is A King. How does it read as an king. Thanks.

    1. 15 Last Sovereign, one who ruled the city(7)
      N is the last letter of sovereign, AN comes from one KING is Who ruled and Nanking is the name of a city

  4. Exactly what I said at 08:43

  5. I, for one, keep my difference.

  6. Took a while to find the right undergarment ! Was toying with brief and panties but didn’t get anywhere !

  7. Same here, I was hooked onto the Brassiere 😂

  8. Excellent grid. Nice clues
