Thursday, 8 July 2021

No 13294, Thursday 08 Jul 2021, Incognito

Solution to 30A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

1 Rescues rookie surrounded by uncultured people (8) SALVAGES {SA{L}VAGES}
5 State loses right to make district (6) COUNTY COUNTrY
10 Close second conceals and does not win (5) LOSES [T]
11 Egyptian queen’s chaotic palace rot (9) CLEOPATRA
12 Ancient person’s father (3,3) OLD MAN {OLD}{MAN}
13 Arrange all pearl fragments in the form of an electrical circuit, perhaps (8) PARALLEL*
15 What thespian did when cadet danced? (5) ACTED*
17 One more time India is after former chief (4,5) ONCE AGAIN {IN}<=>{ONCE AGA}
19 Hound fear complex is little known (7,2) UNHEARD OF*
20 First educated and registered nurse serves and makes money (5) EARNS Acrostic
21 Yearn for a piece of furniture without Charlie's tresses (4,4) LONG HAIR {LONG}{cHAIR}
23 Prohibit King, Queen and financier (6) BANKER {BAN}{K}{ER}
27 Kerry Owen is playing for American city dweller (3,6) NEW YORKER*
28 Roman year mentioned in Roman numerals (5) ANNUM [T]
29 Move through displayed screen to Supreme Court’s list of names (6) SCROLL {SC}{ROLL}
30 Type of output to expect from a money plant or a mint? (8) ?A?H?R?P (Addendum - CASHCROP [DD] - See comments)

1   Volley of shots fired in honour of a member of the Salvation Army in Australia (5) SALVO [DD]
2   The French suture around beginning of duodenum in eleventh hour (4,5) LAST DITCH {LA}{ST}{Du...m}ITCH}
3   Where a baffled person might be when sailing? (2,3) AT SEA [DD]
4   Carve inside Somerset Church (4) ETCH [T]
6   Pagan hero constructed an institution for children without parents (9) ORPHANAGE*
7   Process natural gas compound without sugar in South African region (5) NATAL {NATurAL+gas}
8   Yes, rook takes fishes between twelve and twenty four months old (9) YEARLINGS {YEA}{R}{LINGS}
9   Sticker if used inside city limits: “Reduce presence of calcium” (9) DECALCIFY {DECAL}{C{IF}itY}
14 Gangster bats an eyelid and cheats (9) HOODWINKS {HOOD}{WINKS}
15 A question following which criminal damages guns and underwater breathing equipments (9) AQUALUNGS {A}{QU}{AL}{GUNS*}
16 Casualty count for estate tax? (5,4) DEATH TOLL  [DD]
18 Build a finer ark for a descendant of a Dutch settler (9) AFRIKANER*
22 Later version you get when you upgrade and renew production (5) NEWER*
24 Embarrass a graduate with a short request for silence (5) ABASH {A}{BA}{SH}
25 Chart once again with average returns around opening of equity markets (5) REMAP {R{Eq...y}{Ma...s}AP<=}
26 This is expressed in square units; even for circles (4) AREA [CD]

Reference List
Rookie = L, Right = R, India = IN, Charlie = C, King = K, Queen = ER, The in French = LA, Rook = R, Question = QU, Criminal = AL(Capone), Average = PAR


  1. plant and Mint

  2. Searching for the name of state/district till the real meaning of county sunk in.
    Enjoyable as ever.

  3. You have to give the anno along with your solution.

  4. 7d do we need both process and compund for anind!

    1. My take-
      (Natural gas) compounded and sugar (process for letter picking) is deleted.

    2. I reasoned since it's incognito:
      Compound: to indicate the two seprate words are used.
      Without: deletion of (sugar).

      Remember the agitated man discussion.

  5. ONCE AGAIN the NEW YORKER, a BANKER with LONG HAIR LOSES his balance.

    He has received a proposal from CLEOPATRA, a woman with no PARALLEL.

    He is ALL AT SEA as the woman turns out to be of middle age, an ordinary person from NATAL and not what he imagined.


    1. I am sure he lost his bank balance too!

    2. The OLDMAN got the COUNTY wrong and the NEWER AFRIKANER HOODWINKS him. He needs a REMAP of his EARNS and SALVAGES. Thank God they are per ANNUM and not like the LOSES of CASHCROPs these days.

    3. Et tu, Prasad? Or should I say nehle pe dehla!

    4. So, CGB sets off a chain reaction!
