Monday 26 July 2021

No 13309, Monday 26 Jul 2021, Bruno

Solution to 23A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

7   High-speed show’s a failure (8) GIGAFLOP {GIG}{A}{FLOP}
9   Change hands during dismount correctly (6) ARIGHT A(-l+r)RIGHT
10 Emperor’s final letter found in coach (4) TZAR {T{Z}AR} Tar/Coach? (Addendum - CZAR {C{Z}AR{ - See comments)
11 Group that supports women wears rose dhotis (10) SISTERHOOD*
12 Fat man inwardly turning around for support (6) BEHALF {FLA{HE}B}<=
14 Rain and smog affected every single living thing (8) ORGANISM*
15 Must beards be trimmed often over mouth to be a useful accessory? (13) SHOULDERSTRAP {SHOULD}{bEaRdS}{TRAP}
17 European noodle variant essentially causes great well-being (8) EUPHORIA {EU}{PHO}{vaRIAnt}
19 Taking a couple of layers off — heard amour can find passion (6) ARDOUR {heARD}{amOUR}
21 Film on King’s fine new weapon (5,5) FLICK KNIFE {FLICK}{K}{FINE*}
22 Skip meals and pass away over time (4) DIET {DIE}{T}
23 Second gentleman takes hand — pirouettes for dance (6) ?O?R?S (Addendum - MORRIS {MO}{SI{R}R<=} - See comments)
24 Make English bank lose pounds (8) ENGENDER {ENG}{lENDER}

1   Zinfandel lacking body bottled in mass makes hissing sound (6) SIZZLE {SIZ{Zi...eL}E}
2   Light//show? (4) FAIR [DD]
3   Satisfied subs fill dugout (8) BLISSFUL*
4   Horse ordered to lead black sheep (3,3) BAD EGG {GG}<=>{BADE}
5   EU marine facilities task-force starts releasing thermodiffusing plastic that can be used to catch food (7,3) FISHING ROD tHeRmODIFfuSING*
6   After opening session, member of parliament makes noise, gets raise and takes drugs (6,2) SHOOTS UP {Se...n}{HOOTS}{UP}
8   Recovering mailman? (13) POSTOPERATIVE {POST OPERATIVE}
13 Drug dealer has 3 drugs in a car at the end of driveway (10) APOTHECARY  {A}{POT}{H}{E}{CAR}{d...aY}
15 Kitchen worker’s turn to take out second layer in onion (8) SCULLERY  Anno pending (Addendum - SCULLION SC(-a+u)ULLION - See comments)
16 Wise to control speed these days? (5,3) SPACE AGE {S{PACE}AGE}
18 Dissolute artist’s drunk kiss? (6) RAKISH {RA}{KISH}(~kiss)
20 Messaging system seen hacked in Utah (6) USENET {U{SEEN*}T}
22 Study at the end of lobby has counter (4) DENY {DEN}{l..bY}

Reference List
King = K, Time = T, Second = MO, Hand = R, Pounds = L, Horse = GG, Drugs = POT, H, E, Artist = RA


  1. Replies
    1. It is either Tsar or Czar,am I right?

    2. but from bulgaria to slavic : all combinations exist (tsar/czar/tzar/csar)

    3. Yes. and all of them are recognized English words too. The most common I have seen are Tsar and Czar.

  2. 15Dn I annotated as Scullion who is a kitchen worker with a (second layer) replaced by u (turn) in scallion (onion)

  3. This might make 23Ac slightly less tricky to solve

  4. 23A - Second is Mo, Gentleman is Sir, Takes hand is R - Pirouetting Mo Sir R - gives us Morris which is dance

  5. Could not find THC Online version today. Is it Sunday Night Fever??!!

  6. 6 down where does member of parliament come in the anno?

    1. Member of parliament makes noise=Hoots, since group name for owls is 'Parliament of owls" When it makes noise it hoots. Nice wordplay.

  7. This is Bruno. Yes it is C(Z)AR

  8. Member of parliament is an owl. Owl hoots.
